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Zippo El Isıtıcısı Nasıl Çalıştırılır & Kullanılır

Igniting Your Zippo Hand Warmer

  • Fill Hand Warmer with Genuine Zippo Hand Warmer Fuel.
  • With the lid off the Hand Warmer, hold the base unit upright with one hand and apply flame to the catalytic burner unit for approximately 10 seconds using the other hand. Ignition upon first use after initial filing could take longer than expected and require application of flame more than one time. Flame can come from a Zippo Lighter, Zippo Utility Lighter, or a match. Follow lighting appliance use instructions. Keep hands and clothing away from any flame. The Hand Warmer heats by a catalytic process. There is no flame present after ignition. Presence of flame upon ignition indicates overfilling. Put flame out and allow excess fuel to evaporate before attempting re-ignition.
  • After flameless ignition has been confirmed, replace Hand Warmer lid, then place warmer into the provided protective fabric bag. The Hand Warmer must always be placed in the supplied protective fabric bag to prevent overheating. Your Zippo Hand Warmer will now provide comfortable warmth for hours. After ignition, heat is provided by a catalytic process without flame.
  • Once ignited there is no safe way to stop the heating action. If necessary, place the Hand Warmer in the supplied protective fabric bag and place on a fireproof surface until the fuel is exhausted and the Hand Warmer is cool to the touch.

Use Genuine Zippo Hand Warmer Fuel and Replacement Burners